Toys For A Society

Toys For A Society

My mother’s classic Barbie accessories from the late 50’s and early 60’s were so much more detailed and dainty than my Barbie accessories from the late 80’s and early 90’s. All of my Barbie’s personal effects were the same homogeneous pink that ultimately yellowed over time, with clunky handles so Barbie could “really hold it!”

But these classic fashion doll accessories dare to be made of paper and fabric. They have realistic coloring. These are pieces I could use in a miniature model, and maybe fool someone to it’s reality, if only for a few seconds.

Time has worn these little, highly choke-able toys. While I photograph them to highlight their remarkable detail, I also draw attention to their flaws; creases, cracks, and caked on dust; shoddy paint jobs, Ben Day dots, and seams in the plastic. I hope that there is a sense of wonder, from seeing these, like finding a 50 year old obsolete appliance in your grandma’s house.